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Thinking of Investing in Solar Power? Here’s Your Guide


Are you planning to invest in rooftop solar panel installation in your home? Can’t understand how to make this process convenient and hassle-free? Learn the essential steps in this guide.  

Assess Your Electricity Bill

Determine the average of last year’s electricity bill to check the electricity consumption of your property. Based on the monthly usage in kWh, you’ll come to know the size and number of solar panels you will require.

Understand Your Home’s Solar Suitability

Be sure your home is right for solar installation based on different factors like location, shady things, roof conditions, weather conditions, and average sunlight hours.

Choose the Right Solar System and Installer

Selecting the right solar system is pivotal for optimal solar power production. Choose a model that has improved energy efficiency, warranty, and ratings. Hire the best rooftop solar system installers in Delhi NCR who offer a customized and comprehensive range of services with all-time customer support and after-sales service.  

Know Your Budget

Calculate the average cost of solar panel installation based on monthly power usage on your electricity bill. Also, consider the number of solar panels, warranty, and the cost of the solar inverter, installation, and maintenance.

Access to the Power Grid

Analyze the conditions of connecting the solar system with the electrical network in your building. For the electricity produced, the current produced must pass to the solar inverter and be transformed to the usage pattern, following an on-grid or off-grid system.

Proposal, Permissions, and Authorization

The installer will provide you with an installation proposal with relevant production objectives. Once you accept the proposal, you’ll require permission to validate the self-use installation before mounting panels. The energy concessionaire working in your community must permit the solar installation and its connectivity to the grid. 

Site Survey

A thorough site survey includes inspecting the required area of the roof for proper orientation with the sun, the age and condition of the roof, and structural integrity. The roof should have plain terrain and no shady area.


The installation is performed by selected installers based on your home’s solar suitability and indicated project. The experts attach brackets for fixing panels to the required area, mount the solar components, install panels in place, install electrical wiring, connect the solar inverter, link the inverter to the grid, and turn on the inverter.


An expert who might be a technician will inspect the installation to ensure it is performed correctly and in compliance with local regulations. You’re allowed to produce solar energy after getting approval and connecting the system to the grid.


To ensure your installed solar system works optimally and produces sufficient electricity, regular monitoring and maintenance are required. Be sure to do periodic cleaning at least once a year by professionals. If you’re getting installation services from knowledgeable and experienced professionals, they will provide cleaning and maintenance to identify issues and do necessary repairing and replacement of solar system for long-term functioning.


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