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Want to Go Solar for Cost Savings? Take the Right Decision for Safe Solar Investment

Renewable and carbon-free electricity, reduced electricity bills, and a constant supply of reliable electricity are some reasons that make solar investment attractive. It might surprise you but purchasing and installing used or poor-quality solar systems would not be worthwhile for you. To make a safe solar investment, you must make the right decision. Here, you’ll discover why second-hand or outdated solar system installation is not recommended for your home or commercial facility.

Performance and maintenance

If you are considering second-hand systems, they are susceptible to future damage, lower production, and more frequent maintenance for optimum operation. You might not be eligible to use AMC services for rooftop solar system maintenance and cleaning. You may need to pay additional maintenance charges from your pocket.

Used or cheaper solar systems with shorter service time mean some worn components in solar modules. According to solar experts, the whole new and efficient solar panel can produce 90% solar electricity in the first 10 years and 80% in the next 15 years.

The system is not suitable for your home power needs

The rooftop solar panels can be installed on the residential rooftop ensuring there is no shady area and have a strong surface to mount on. Based on your home roof condition, you may need different sorts and numbers of solar panels. The second-hand solar panel may not necessarily meet your home power consumption requirements. You will be required to buy more solar panels, adding more costs.

Visible damage can be a sign of an inefficient system

Before purchasing a refurbished, used, or new solar panel, look for the possible signs of damage or imperfections. Check for microcracks, hotspots, cracks in the backsheet, snail trails, and other damages to ensure optimal power generation. The visible damages can be the cause of quick power degradation, poor durability, catastrophic failure of the system, electrical safety risks, or other issues.

You already have low power costs

By installing solar panels, your home or office will use solar electricity which is independent of the main power grid. This can cut utility bills to certain minimum mandatory charges. If you are already receiving up to 3000 INR or less in monthly electricity bills, you will not get the savings.

You can’t enjoy the cost saving through solar power if you have a small household size with energy-efficient appliances. Having a small house with just a few members would not require solar installation as you can enjoy low power rates from local utilities. Thus, determine your home power consumption requirements and solar suitability before making a solar investment.

Not qualify for solar rebates and incentives

Solar tax benefits, subsidies, and other incentives from the government might make solar investment economically attractive. But, you might not be eligible for them if you’re purchasing used solar systems. To qualify for these financial benefits, it is essential to pick modern and highly efficient systems from trustworthy solar installers who are well-versed with all solar schemes of the government.  


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